
Если вы стали жертвой сталкинга или подозреваете, что за вами следят через телефон, обратитесь за помощью.

Если вас или кого-то из ваших знакомых тревожит мысль о слежке и контроле со стороны партнера, доверьтесь своим чувствам и найдите безопасный способ узнать, какие ресурсы и возможности доступны там, где вы живете. Не забывайте: если за вашим устройством действительно следят, злоумышленник узнает, что вы обращаетесь за помощью или просматриваете специализированные ресурсы. Если такая возможность вас тревожит, используйте другое устройство, к которому этот человек не имел физического доступа. Если вам угрожает опасность, обратитесь в полицию.


Technology Safety Australia
Этот сайт создан австралийской командой проекта Safety Net компании WESNET для обсуждения вопросов цифровых технологий, конфиденциальности и безопасности в контексте насилия в отношениях, сексуального насилия и насилия в отношении женщин.

Сеть WESNET (Women’s Services Network) – главный национальный орган, предоставляющий услуги специалистов по борьбе с домашним и семейным насилием в отношении женщин.


ZÖF – Zusammenschluss Österreichischer Frauenhäuser
The women’s shelters associated with the ZÖF community offer all sorts of support to women been mistreated or threatened by their (ex) partner. Experts offer psychosocial, legal and practical help in particular in frames of cyber violence by a current or former partner. Depending on your needs and situation, we offer protection, advice and temporary accommodation.


  • Specialized advice for victims of domestic cyberviolence:

The En avant toute(s) chat room: free and anonymous, it offers listening, advice and guidance. To go to the chat, just go to the website www.commentonsaime.fr and click on the tab “Je discute avec une professionnelle”

The Centre Hubertine Auclert’s resource site: For more information on marital cyberviolence and sexist and sexual cyberviolence, your rights and procedures, you can consult https: //www.stop -cybersexisme.com/

  • General support against domestic violence:

3919 “Violences Femmes Information”: national, anonymous and free helpline for victims and their relatives, created and managed by the Fédération Nationale Solidarité Femmes.

The Fédération Nationale Solidarité Femmes (FNSF) is a network of specialized local associations that offer multi-professional support and shelter for female victims of domestic violence. Find here an association near you.

The Information Centers on the Rights of Women and Families (CIDFF) is a federation of specialized local associations which offer legal information as well as social and psychological support to victims of domestic violence. Find here an association near you.

Arrêtons les Violences (Stop Violence): the French government’s resource site for female victims of violence offering information about procedures and assistance as well as about support and shelter systems in France: https: //www.stop-violences-femmes.gouv.Fr/



    WEISSER RING Helpline: +49-116-006

    WEISSER RING also offers free Documentation and Evidence Collection App called “NO STALK”. It is important to note that this app should not be used on devices that one suspects may be monitored.
    WEISSER RING is the only nationwide active victim support organisation in Germany. Our volunteers work in accordance to these professional standards. The victim support provided by WEISSER RING is based on the idea of offering free help to victims of crime. The victim support workers provide one-to-one assistance in a voluntary and professional capacity. We are independent from state funding and offer more than 390 nationwide local points of contact.
  2. bff Bundesverband Frauenberatungsstellen und Frauennotrufe 
    Helpline: +49-0800-22-55-530
    Please find your local help organisation by entering your region here.


Donne in Rete contro la violenza (D.i.Re; “Women Net Against Violence”)

With this link you can find all telephone numbers of the D.i.Re anti-violence centers, city by city in alphabetical order.

The anti-violence centers offer psychological counseling, legal advice, support groups, training, promotion, awareness and prevention, data collection and processing, guidance for work, collection of bibliographic and documentary material on the themes of violence. The shelter houses, often with a secret address, accomodate women and their minor children for an emergency period.


All Women’s Action Society



+60 016 237 4221


Victim Support Switzerland

Victim support services are available all over Switzerland to tell you about your rights, help you process what has happened and let you know about further support options. You can choose the one you would like to contact, which means that you can also use victim support services in another canton. List of all victim support services in Switzerland https://www.opferhilfe-schweiz.ch/en/where-can-i-find-support/


The Garden of Hope Foundation

Helpline: +886-2-8911-5595


Mor Çatı (Purple Roof Women’s Shelter Foundation)




Please note: these two phone numbers are valid only during COVID-19 times. In other cases please use landline number:

+ 90 (212) 292 52 31-32

Available on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday from 10.30 to 16.30


Center for Studies and Applied Sciences in Gender – Family – Women and Adolescent (CSAGA)




Available 24 hours


Suzy Lamplugh Trust

+44 0808 802 0300


  1. The U.S. National Network to End Domestic Violence’s (NNEDV) Safety Net Project focuses on the intersection of technology and domestic and sexual violence and works to address how it impacts the safety, privacy, accessibility, and civil rights of victims by: working with communities, agencies, and technology companies, educating victim advocates and the general public, training law enforcement and justice systems, social services, coordinated community response teams and others, and advocating for strong local, state, national and international policies.
    Safety Net Project, Tech & Privacy Survivor Toolkit
  2. WomensLaw.org provides information that is relevant to people of all genders, not just women. The Email Hotline will provide legal information to anyone who reaches out with legal questions or concerns regarding domestic violence, sexual violence, or any other topic covered on WomensLaw.org.
    WomensLaw – Cyberstalking
  3. The U.S. National Domestic Violence Hotline has highly-trained advocates available 24/7/365 to talk confidentially with anyone experiencing domestic violence, seeking resources or information, or questioning unhealthy aspects of their relationship.
    National Domestic Violence Hotline: +1−800−799−7233
  4. National VictimConnect Resource Center: +1−855−4−VICTIM
  5. StaySafeOnline
  6. Illinois Stalking Advocacy Center
    Illinois Stalking Advocacy Center is the only agency whose sole focus is assisting stalking victims by providing court advocacy, safety planning and a local security camera rental program.

Европейская организация «Женщины против насилия» (Women Against Violence Europe, WAVE) ведет базу данных о специализированных службах поддержки женщин. Помимо прочего, здесь перечислены национальные линии доверия для женщин, приюты для жертв гендерного насилия, женские центры, консультационные центры и специалисты, оказывающие помощь женщинам, пережившим сексуализированное насилие, в 46 европейских странах. Чтобы найти доступные ресурсы, укажите, где вы находитесь.

Annual Kaspersky report on stalkerware highlights the link between online and offline violence

In the third edition of “The State of Stalkerware Report 2021...

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